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Those Pesky "Hundred-Leggers"

Don’t let their many legs fool you, treatment for centipedes in your home may not be as complicated as you think. Here is what you may want to know about centipedes:

Where do these critters like to nest?

These are common throughout the world. You will most likely find centipedes in areas of high-moisture. So, this could be in or around trash, or within piles of leaves and brush, or damp basements (to name a few).

To control a centipede infestation, you will want to eliminate these dark, moist spaces in and around your home. For example, it’s important to make sure your crawl spaces and basements are equipped with proper ventilation.

Yet, depending on the level of infestation, chemical treatment can be the appropriate solution. (Give us a call and we can help you to determine which solution is the best fit for the infestation.)

What do centipedes eat?

Flies and spiders are common food sources for the centipede. In fact, did you know that centipedes kill their prey by injecting venom from their poisonous jaws? Gross, but true.

How long can centipedes live?

A centipede’s typical lifespan is anywhere from 1 to 5 years. The eggs are laid in or on soil and can grow up to 6 inches long. And their coloring is typically yellow, dark brown, or a hue somewhere in between these.

What else might be helpful to know?

These critters are nocturnal, so you will most likely find them during the night making their way through whatever path they have found.


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